Tuesday, July 31, 2012

77 Days of Summer: Day 59

My new best friend ;-)

July 31

Monday, July 30, 2012

77 Days of Summer: Day 58

After settling in to our hotel, we walked across the street to the Downtown Disney Marketplace to grab a bite to eat. We barely went past the first shops and it was already magical!!

July 30

Sunday, July 29, 2012

77 Days of Summer: Day 57

Florida better be worth missing our babies...

July 29

Saturday, July 28, 2012

77 Days of Summer: Day 56

Finished Jeremy's office today. I'm so proud of him!

July 28

Friday, July 27, 2012

77 Days of Summer: Day 55

Charlie gets most of the face time because Ginger is hardly ever still enough to take a picture! Most of the pictures I try to take of her are big blurs. I caught this one tonight while she was sitting on my pillow! :-)

July 27

77 Days of Summer: Day 54

All done, taking down the tape!

July 26

77 Days of Summer: Day 53

Got to spend the day with Jeremy at work today. We worked on painting his office. He is really happy with his new job and already so proud of his school. :-D

July 25

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Monday, July 23, 2012

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Saturday, July 21, 2012

77 Days of Summer: Day 49

Visited the Deer Park dog park today. Way nicer than the one in La Porte. We even made some new friends. :-)

Ginger loves riding in the car and going new places!
This is her before and after :-D

July 21

Friday, July 20, 2012

77 Days of Summer: Day 48

Helped Jeremy prep his new office for painting today.

July 20

Thursday, July 19, 2012

77 Days of Summer: Day 47

I got to make beautiful pink sugar cookies with Kaia today in anticipation of the arrival of Terra Lynn! Beautiful and yummy!

July 19

77 Days of Summer: Day 46

My new TV obsession

July 18

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

77 Days of Summer: Day 45

Someone's been sitting in the fig tree and having a snack. Birds or Squirrels? What do you think?

July 17

77 Days of Summer: Day 44

We've finally had a few days of sunshine. Enough to dry the puddles in the back yard. There are still storms around the area, just not on top of our heads. They don't have to be in our backyard for us to hear them though. The one today was several miles away, but loud enough to drive Charlie into the bathroom. :-D

July 16

77 Days of Summer: Day 43

Faces on a Train

Kemah Boardwalk
July 15

Sunday, July 15, 2012

77 Days of Summer: Day 42

Saw my first 4D movie today :-D

July 14

Friday, July 13, 2012

77 Days of Summer: Day 41

So worth the dirty shirt :-D

July 13

77 Days of Summer: Day 40

Our family came today! We have been waiting and WAITING! It felt like waiting for Christmas. When they finally got here, I forgot to take a picture in all the excitement.

July 12

77 Days of Summer: Day 39

It has been a rough week for the puppies. Storms every day have kept them in a constant state of stress. They haven't been playing or exercising at all. Poor babies!

July 11

77 Days of Summer: Day 38.5

77 / 2 = 38.5
I checked and double checked with a calculator.
Do you know what that means?
My summer is HALF over!!!!

At least if I have to have this realization tonight, I got to do something super summery -
roasting marshmallows!

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For the record - it is Jeremy's marshmallow that is on fire.
My dad taught me how to roast them right!

Evening July 10

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

77 Days of Summer: Day 38

Our fig tree is producing like crazy! This is the first year that we have harvested more than a handful and We have a bumper crop. There is plenty for us and the birds, so we don't mind sharing. :-D

July 10

Monday, July 9, 2012

77 Days of Summer: Day 37

I spent most of the day helping my Kaia with projects in preparation for the arrival of Terra Lynn, but I didn't get any pictures. Probably wouldn't be allowed to post them anyway since all the projects are top secret! ;-)

This evening Jeremy and I returned for the second time to a new coffee shop around the corner. The drinks are good and we love the atmosphere. They have some games scattered around on tables so we started playing mancala. (An instance where I am grudgingly appreciative of smart phones and the ability to google game rules on a whim) In addition to generally being fun to have a two player game to share, I finally found a game I can beat Jeremy at!! :-D

July 9

Sunday, July 8, 2012

77 Days of Summer: Day 36

Attended the fifth of six baby showers for friends at church. Today was for Leah (far right) and baby Wyatt, who, according to the little mamma can come any day now! :-)

July 8

Saturday, July 7, 2012

77 Days of Summer: Day 35

This evening we went to a going away party for our friends Aaron and Lindsey.

And baby Nora!

July 7

Friday, July 6, 2012

77 Days of Summer: Day 34

The dog days of summer

July 6

77 Days of Summer: Day 33

Island Adventures

Galveston, Texas

July 5

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

77 Days of Summer: Day 32

Holidays deserve two photos
Hope you had a happy 4th of July!

July 4th

77 Days of Summer: Day 31

Mom and Dad are here!

July 3

Monday, July 2, 2012

77 Days of Summer: Day 30

We did a ton of work in the yard today, of which I have no pictures. Instead, here is a little update on the bounty from our garden:

We are getting about two cups of cherry tomatoes daily, from just one plant. Unfortunately our romas seem to be done. The okra plant is getting in to full swing and we are freezing trays of slices about every other day. Today we harvested our first carrots, yea! Hope they taste good!

July 2

Sunday, July 1, 2012

77 Days of Summer: Day 29

The big activity for today was comforting our babies during the beautiful thunderstorm this afternoon.

July 1