Friday, June 17, 2011

Day 25: My Favorite Superhero

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Some may say Hermione doesn't count a superhero,
but this is my blog and I get to make the decisions!

I LOVE Hermione!
Part of it is because she reminds me of myself in some ways,
but then she becomes someone I only hope I can be.
She is smart, dedicated, loyal, smart and did I mention smart?
She puts what is right above her own needs
and is dedicated to "the mission" above everything else.
And for me she qualifies as a SUPER hero
because she can do all kinds of AWESOME magic!

So there you go,
Hermione, my hero!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Day 24: What's in my bag

Ha! I got lucky on this one -
I just cleaned out my purse! :)
There is only one random item in there,
can you find it?

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A month of posts...4 months later...

I originally began "A Month of Posts" on February 24th. I made it up to day 23 which was posted on March 19th...

Why can't I ever finish anything I've started! Argh!

There are only a few days left and some that I am really excited about, so I'm going to finish this up. Better late than never right? RIGHT????